Hi Dan, this is a prototype of the configurable drop-in which we discussed some while ago. We can add more options later on, it's pretty easy, just to add nodes and draw some links. So please treat it as an example / working prototype.
So, it's a simulator. To control this light you need to use the power ON/OFF button, the red one in the right bottom corner.
We have just four standard modes from the factory: TURBO -> HI -> MID -> LOW. To cycle the modes use the power switch. You can try it now. By default the memory is enabled so if you switch the light off for more than 1 sec it will start in the same mode.
The user have three memory slots which he can configure independently:
#1 - The memory ON/OFF (default is ON)
#2 - The modes order (default is from high to low)
#3 - The additional low red light (default is OFF).
To access the configuraton mode you have to switch the light off and then after about 2 sec produce THREE fast flashes (On-Off) with 2 sec intervals between them. Then you switch the light on and if you activated the programming you will see the flashes. The flashlight "displays" all three options by numbers in the loop. That is "one flash" - delay - "two flashes" - delay - "three flashed" - delay - and so on. And you flip an option by switch the light off in the one which is displayed currently. In other words if you need to alter the modes order (option #2) you enter the programming and wait till the two-flahes series. When it starts you simply switch the light OFF and wait about 5 sec. After you switch the light ON and see/test the change.
First start
Select Option
Access programming
Select Option